Recommendations & Terms of Participation for your Radical Honesty Workshop
A Radical Honesty Workshop is a consciously and lovingly created space where you and the other participants embark on a journey of discovery together. What happens when we are truly honest? This doesn’t mean blurting out opinions or thoughts, but rather entering into a deeper connection with ourselves and others. It means being vulnerable, showing parts of ourselves we’d normally hide, feeling and expressing emotions, talking about topics we usually avoid, and hearing others share as well (money, health, difficult experiences, sex, etc.).
Trigger Warning: People may talk about traumatic experiences, and you may hear about them!
To make this workshop work for you and everyone else, we have some recommendations and rules that are essential for us. We aim to create a clear, safe container where the work can take place with people who are genuinely interested. Please read this page carefully. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
I. Recommendations
1. Before the Workshop
Make sure this workshop is right for you.
A Radical Honesty Workshop is not a space for long discussions about honesty or comparisons of different methods. It is an experimental space to experience yourself in new ways and thus likely have a fresh and exciting experience of yourself. It’s about contact and lived experience, not new ideas or rules. On this journey, you may notice how your mind, despite good intentions, sometimes gets in the way of your aliveness, your relationships, and your joy in life.
In this workshop, you’ll have opportunities to step out of your comfort zone, big or small, and gain new experiences. This is only possible if you are willing to participate and be honest (we will, of course, practice and deepen this together). So it’s not a spectator sport.
We’ll support you in recognizing your own truth and then communicating it directly and clearly.
You may confront some of your own strategies or patterns for avoiding real connection or your own feelings. Therefore, you might not always feel happy.
This is definitely not a space where you are guaranteed not to be "triggered."
It’s about real contact with yourself and others, which isn’t always pleasant or fluffy. Naturally, as facilitators, we are here to hold space, guide processes, and pay attention to each individual. But this is not a therapy or trauma workshop. It’s also not a space where “political correctness” is guaranteed.
We advise against participation if:
This workshop is not suitable for:
Pregnant women (from the second trimester onward; earlier is at your own responsibility)
People experiencing active psychosis
People with acute and severe depression
People with severe personality disorders
These conditions (except pregnancy, which has other reasons) require a different type of work, which we will not be able to provide during this weekend (due to time constraints and because we don’t have the qualifications). If you’re unsure, be sure to write to us beforehand or consult your therapist or coach.
2. Recommendations During the Weekend
These tips can help you get the most out of the workshop
Pre-Workshop Questions
a) Where do I find it particularly difficult to speak my truth?
b) What are my go-to methods for distracting myself from my feelings?
c) How do I avoid real connection?
Some ideas and methods in this workshop might contradict other approaches you know. That’s fine, and there is no "one method" from our perspective. However, our suggestion is that you fully engage in the workshop experience and try new things, even if they seem unfamiliar at first. Radical Honesty can’t be understood by thinking about it; it requires personal, embodied experience. And don’t worry – your other methods and ideas won’t be lost. In fact, they may be enriched and strengthened by this work.
Rest and Quiet (for weekend workshops)
It’s helpful to have a calm space to retreat to after the workshop rather than diving into city life. Our clear recommendation is to dedicate the entire weekend to the workshop and your personal growth – so no parties.
Sobriety (for weekend workshops)
We also recommend staying sober after the workshop in the evenings (it’s a rule during the workshop, see below). Otherwise, you may undo the work of the workshop and close off from your feelings and deeper awareness again. That would be a shame, as it might mean getting less out of the weekend.
Make sure to drink enough water and nourish yourself with good food. You might want to schedule a massage, a therapy session, or a meeting with good friends in the week after the workshop, spend time in nature, etc. Take care of yourself.
Small Talk
We strongly recommend viewing this workshop as a journey in its entirety. We suggest refraining from small talk during breaks and evenings and staying "in the work." We’ll explain what this could look like. We also notice that discussions about politics, other workshops, etc., can disrupt the workshop container. Our suggestion would be to dedicate this time fully to Radical Honesty rather than debating other methods and workshops.
II. Terms of Participation
Here are the participation conditions for this workshop:
Phones are to be kept on airplane mode during sessions.
Exceptions apply if you are expecting an urgent call, such as when your children are being cared for or if you have sick relatives at home. If you are expecting such a call, please inform the workshop leader beforehand.
Take notes on paper, not electronic devices.
To counter today’s phone addiction, we aim to create a “screen-free” space. From our perspective, these devices can hinder vulnerable sharing within the group and act as a barrier between you and others. They can also allow you to hide behind the screen and revert to avoidance strategies.
Arrive sober to the workshop
If you arrive intoxicated, "high," or visibly hungover, we reserve the right to deny your participation. In this case, there will be no financial refund of the workshop fee. This work requires you to be fully present, with your capacities intact.
You cannot miss any session
It is not possible to miss a session during this workshop (except in the case of an emergency or force majeure). The workshop is structured sequentially, building upon each session, and depends on the commitment of every individual. If you miss a session, you may not be able to continue. In this case, no refunds will be given either.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out: